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“Regarding the right to freedom of movement, the defendant is not a German and therefore does not have this basic right.” (German Judge in a trial about Residentzpflicht, February 2013)

 Thousands of people, among them sambistas from Edinburgh, Vienna, Frankfurt, Kiel and Berlin supported the Refugee Revolution Demo on the 23rd of March in Berlin. No pink, no silver – these were plain clothed sambistas that mixed with the other protestors.… Continue reading

Call out G8 Northern Ireland

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One Common Struggle

This June the leaders of the G8 (the world’s richest countries) are meeting in Northern Ireland. As economic crisis bites, and the planet burns, the bosses and their politicians are celebrating business as usual. Capitalism: a system that kills, exploits, and degrades the many for the profit of a few.

On June 10-18 we are organising a week of action and events in London.… Continue reading


Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

13th of February, a mourning march was called by the german extreme right to happen in Dresden, at the anniversary of the Allies bombing of the city.

It was snowing. About 20 sambistas from Kiel, Hamburg, Leipzig, Heilbronn, Vienna, Berlin and Dresden came out to the streets to take direct action against the Nazi exhibitionism.

The white snow met the white nazis, sometimes on their face, as they were blocked for more than 5 hours, surrounded by more than 3000 people shouting, dancing and making new snow balls to throw at them.… Continue reading

Dumstering at the Bremen carnival

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Once more, like in the last 6 years, ror delivered radical politics to the samba carnival of Bremen. 30 RoR Sambistas and space creators from Bremen, Witzenhausen, Oldenburg and Berlin participated in the Sambodromo under the motto “fairkehrtewelt”, along with more than 60 other samba bands attended.

Every year a different motto is chosen by the carnival organization.… Continue reading

Magdeburg antinazi blockades 2013

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Français.

Samba everywhere, nazis raus!

RoR was in Magdeburg (Germany) for the antinazi blockades on the 12th of January 2013.

Some pictures of the day.

A developed strategy and capacity for adapting to very dynamic situations that we experienced that day, have shown that not in vain we have been doing the same shit for 12 years, and we are good at it!… Continue reading

Website Relaunch

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English, Nederlands e Français.

Hello world,

this is the new website of the Rhythms of Resistance network. The old version was really out of date so it needed a complete rework.

As you will find us rather in the streets than in front of a computer, this page does not claim to be totally up-to-date in the future. But at least we try.