Via Campesina Action Day in Bremen

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في English.

On the 17th of April the transnational movement via campesina called for worldwide actions supporting the rights of small scale farmers around the globe. Initiated by the group Afrique-Europe-Interact ( ) a flashmob took place in the Deutsche Bank Bremen, protesting against food prize speculation and landgrabbing. Just enjoy this wonderful performance:……

Some Sambistae from ROR Bremen and Oldenburg also took part in this event joining the performance or playing the drums while leaving the building. After performing again in front of the Deutsche Bank some activists and a ROR Sambaband handed out flyers while grooving their way to an Infofestival in the Steintorviertel Bremen.

There were speeches, information desks (e.g. about community supported agriculture) together with music (e.g. ROR :), a Volxkueche…

Thanks to all organizers and activists for a great day! Widerstand lalalalala Widerstand…

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